The Missouri Immunization Coalition (MIC) would like to thank Dr. Janet Killian for her tenure as the Southwest Regional Representative for the Missouri Immunization Coalition Board of Directors.  Dr. Killian served on the Board from December 2020 to August 2023 and made valuable contributions to the MIC during her time as the Southwest Regional Representative, particularly in advocating for the role of the pharmacy profession in improving access to vaccinations in underserved areas of Missouri.  We would like to congratulate Dr. Killian as she has accepted a new position within the pharmacy at CoxHealth, where she can continue pursuing her career goals in clinical pharmacy services.  Dr. Killian fully supports the Missouri Immunization Coalition and believes in the vision and goals of the MIC. She will remain a member at large of the Missouri Immunization Coalition and continue to promote the MIC’s valued partnerships with the pharmacy profession. Thank you for your service and support of the Missouri Immunization Coalition, Dr. Killian!

Lynelle Phillips, RN, MPH
Board of Directors
Missouri Immunization Coalition