What is National Infant Immunization Week?

National Infant Immunization Week (NIIW) is a yearly observance held in April, to highlight the importance of protecting children from life-threatening vaccine-preventable diseases. On-time vaccination is critical to protect children from 14 diseases that could potentially cause long-term disability or death.

The 2025 National Infant Immunization Week (NIIW) is April 21-28th.

We’re using the 2025 NIIW to encourage vaccine conversations at all community levels! Our goal is Community Immunity! #ivax2protect

MIC NIIW Toolkit

The MIC has developed a National Infant Immunization Week toolkit containing videos, social media graphics, and more. Use these assets to help spread our message.


It’s National Infant Immunization Week: Stay on track with your child’s vaccinations!

Each year, NIIW celebrates the critical role vaccination plays in protecting the health of our children and families — and this year, we’re reminding parents of the importance of staying up to date with routinely recommended vaccines following disruptions from COVID-19.

As a parent, you want to protect your little one from harm. Vaccinating your child according to the recommended immunization schedule gives him or her the best protection against 14 serious childhood illnesses — like measles and whooping cough — before the age of 2!

The Missouri Immunization Coalition encourages you to make sure your child is up-to-date on vaccines by ensuring that they haven’t missed any check-ups. Well-child visits are essential.

And if you’re pregnant, now is a great time to find a doctor for your baby and schedule a visit to discuss any questions you have about vaccines for your pregnancy and for your new infant.

Click here to learn more about the reasons to follow CDC’s recommended immunization schedule for your infant.

On-time vaccination is critical to provide protection against potentially life-threatening diseases. Childcare providers can play a critical role in keeping their communities safe by encouraging parents to vaccinate their children against 14 serious diseases. Childcare providers can also help protect themselves and the children in their care by getting the vaccines recommended for adults.

During NIIW, we’re encouraging childcare providers to talk to parents about the importance of on-time immunization.

How to Educate Parents

  • Put CDC immunization schedules and fact sheets in new parent packets
  • Hang posters, print ads, and flyers in your childcare center
  • Promote immunization in emails to parents
  • Link to MIC or CDC website and vaccine resources from your website
  • Promote immunization through your social media channels

On-time vaccination is critical to help provide protection against potentially life-threatening diseases. According to CDC research, parents consistently identify healthcare professionals as their most trusted source of health and immunization information. Research also shows that many parents make vaccine decisions before their babies are even born.

During NIIW, we’re encouraging you to remind parents and pregnant women about the importance of on-time infant and childhood immunization. Please reach out to any patients who may have missed or delayed their routine well child visits and vaccinations — and encourage them to schedule these important appointments.

Learn more about talking with parents about vaccines for their infants:
• Talking with Parents about Vaccines for Infants
• Talking to Parents About Infant Vaccines
• Provider Resources for Vaccine Conversations with Parents

The priority of this year’s NIIW is ensuring that families stay on track for routine checkups and vaccinations following disruptions from COVID-19.

On-time vaccination is critical to help provide protection against potentially life-threatening diseases.

The Missouri Immunization Coalition is encouraging our members to remind their loved ones and community members to schedule children’s routine well-child visits and vaccinations.

Our goal is Community Immunity!