Together with our partners at the Institute for Vaccine Safety at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (IVS-JHU), the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO), and University of Missouri Extension, the Missouri Immunization Coalition participated in the development of an informative, comprehensive, and interactive website called Let’s Talk COVID Vaccines (LTCV) to address questions and concerns about COVID-19 vaccines. The website offers a short survey to gauge the type and level of concern for COVID-19 vaccines that a patient has, then provides users with an interactive, web-based experience, tailored animations, and personalized stories from local community members in Missouri to address those concerns and move the patient towards vaccine acceptance.
The Missouri Immunization Coalition has just finished piloting the Let’s Talk COVID Vaccine web-based asset in five Missouri counties, and we are proud to report that the pilot phase has been successful! We are encouraged by the results and feedback we received from our participating sites about this new, innovative tool with tremendous potential to combat misinformation and hesitancy around the COVID-19 vaccines.
Please stay tuned this Fall for more information about our plans to scale-up programming to even more Missouri counties to deploy not only Let’s Talk COVID Vaccines, but also its sister site, Let’s Talk Shots, another web-based tool to promote vaccine confidence for all vaccines across the lifespan.
We are very thankful for the ongoing collaborations from our partners at MU Extension, IVS-JHU, and NACCHO, as well as our pilot sites: McDonald County Health Department, City of Joplin Health Department, Polk County Health Department, Morgan County Health Department, and the Central Ozarks Medical Center, without whom this work would not be possible.