Missouri Immunization Coalition to Partner with MU School of Medicine and Washington University School of Medicine on Childhood Immunization Project

The Missouri Immunization Coalition (MIC) will partner with the University of Missouri School of Medicine, and Washington University School of Medicine on a collaborative Childhood Immunization Project (CIP) to increase childhood and adolescent vaccination rates in Missouri. The CIP is supported with funding from the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) with the goal of improving vaccination completion rates for childhood and adolescents in Missouri through approved evidence-based interventions. 

The CIP aims to improve vaccination series completion rates in children and adolescents by implementing practice facilitation and evidence-based interventions like appointment reminders, vaccination coverage assessments and feedback, utilization of patient registries, reports and PVP alerts on vaccination status, and vaccination education webinars for physicians and clinic staff. The CIP intends to launch these evidence-based interventions at ten clinic sites across Missouri in both rural and urban settings. Practice facilitators will work closely with clinic providers and staff over a 12-month period to select and implement evidence-based interventions to address their specific barriers to immunizations and improve their child/adolescent patients’ vaccination rates. 

The CIP offers a unique opportunity to increase provider and staff capacity to improve childhood and adolescent vaccine series completion rates and the MIC is excited to collaborate on this new project. 


Published June 27, 2024


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